Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Weekly Radio Program Update for Oct 3rd

What’s Going on @UVICES Weekly Radio Program on WUVI Radio | 3pm October 3, 2018
"Your trusted source for reliable information backed by eXperts." 3pm Today on What’s Going on @UVICES? VIDEO
Summer Recap, Current Offerings, Grant Availability, Guests & More
A weekly radio program on WUVI hosted by UVI Extension Specialist DaraMonifah Cooper sharing information or lively interviews about services with UVICES Community Partners, Stakeholders, Administrators, Staff or Current and Past Clients as they share experiences and examples of how we all work together in responding to the needs of the community. For more info or to watch the live video stream of the radio program visit: ON TODAY’S SHOW: 1. Recap of our Summer Youth Programs: Sewing, Nutrition, AgDiscovery 2. Current offerings including workshops and courses - Sewing, Batik 3. Guest, Mr. William "Bill" Martin, American Red Cross External Relations AD, American Red Cross Micro Grant Available for Farmers 4. Upcoming Activities & Events: Pesticide Trainings and Certifications, DOA Fertilizer Use and Management Workshop Oct. 11 9am-12pm @UVICELL, World Food Day Oct. 14 & St. Thomas - St. John Agriculture and Food Fair Committee Nov. 17 & 18 5. Guest Dr. Wendy V. Coram Vialet of UVI Center for the Study of Spirituality and Professionalism shares about the Interfaith Wellness Festivals which took place the past two weekends on both campuses. What Else is Going On @UVICES? ON GOING ACTIVITIES AT OUR CES OFFICE 1. Sewing Classes | Wed Mornings 2. Batik Classes | Mon/Tues Mornings 3. Computer & Technology Courses - Mobile Device Workshops Starting Soon! 4. CES Demonstration Garden 5. CES Pesticide Trainings & Certifications
  • AgDiscovery Summer Youth Program 2018
The annual AgDiscovery program is a summer youth camp that took place for the third year at the University of the Virgin Islands Albert A. Sheen St. Croix campus under the direction of UVI CES and AES. AgDiscovery is an outreach program that helps middle through high school aged students explore careers in animal science, veterinary medicine, agribusiness, plant pathology, aquaculture, and much more. This 2-week program allowed participants to live on our college campus and learn about agricultural science from university professors, practicing veterinarians, farmers, industry representatives, and professionals working for the U.S. government. Students who participate in AgDiscovery gain experience through hands-on labs, workshops, field trips and other group and team building activities. In 2017, for the 1st time, out of over 20 other Universities, UVI was featured on the booklet cover with a photo of a student from the USVI who is studying abroad. This year's images and videos were also sought out by the USDA APHIS office for promotion of the coming year's programs and advertising booklet which is used by all of the participating Universities. For additional information please contact the University of the Virgin Islands Cooperative Extension Service - Dr. Louis E. Petersen, Jr. at (340) 693-1083, email (St. Thomas).
  • American Red Cross USVI Small Farmers Micro Grant Program
Applications are available for micro grants up to $2,000.00 for U.S. Virgin Islands small farmers to help them recover and build resilience from the catastrophic damage of Hurricanes Irma and Maria in September 2017. The grant is funded by the American Red Cross through the generosity of our donors and administered by the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands in partnership with the VI Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) and Cooperative Extension Services (CES) of University of the Virgin Islands, and USDA Farm Service Agency. The Micro Grant Program for Small Farmers is designed to meet some of the “gaps” in assistance from Federal and Territorial government recovery programs. The grants will cover the loss or damage to farm outbuildings, water tanks, other support structures, and fixtures needed to operate a small farm. The funds may be used for the new construction, repairs, and replacement of these essential structures and fixtures. Repairs or replacements that have already been done to these structures will be eligible for reimbursement.
  • Pesticide Trainings & Certification
On Wednesday, October 10th at 6pm to 8pm, Dr. Amy Dreyes, Cooperative Extension Service & Department Of Agriculture will be conducting a Pest Identification and Control workshop at the CELL training room focusing on CES Best Pest Management Practices and Pesticide Safety Trainings, Examination & Applicator Certifications. Trainings include knowledge of structural pests, weeds on the roadway, ornamental and turf and agricultural pests. Pesticides (and many other new chemicals) are being researched, created, and approved every day by EPA. Correctly identify your pest, know its weaknesses, and identify a mix of tools and practices to reduce its presence. If a pesticide is involved, Always carefully review the product label (as it is the law) and Safety Data Sheet for every chemical brought into the field, golf course, hotel, household, industrial site. The label will provide you with detailed information about the chemical including how to work with it, what target pest and site is approved, how to protect yourself from it, what to do in case of an emergency, any potential health effects and much more. Learn more about pesticide hazards in the environment, multiple ways to minimize pests, etc. by taking a training led by Dr. Amy J. Dreves, a pest management specialist. She will most likely be traveling to St. Thomas to present Pesticide Training Sessions in November and December. Watch for notice.

MISSED TODAY’S TOPICS? PAST SHOW's ARCHIVED HERE (Audio and Video links loaded by the end of the day on Wednesdays)
DaraMonifah Cooper, M.A. | Extension Communication Specialist, New Media University of the Virgin Islands Cooperative Extension Service 340.693.1081 "Responding to the Needs of the Community" in the areas of Agriculture & Natural Resources, 4-H/Family & Consumer Sciences and Communications, Technology & Distance Education! eXtending Knowledge; Changing Lives! Connect with us online: FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | TWITTER | LINKEDIN | SOUNDCLOUD

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